Welcome to my college journey! 

I created this space to share my precious college experience with you.

It took me 7 years, after my high school graduation in China, to become a full-time academic college student. Between it all, I left my pejorative home environment for the US; couchsurfed almost 20 strangers' homes along the West Coast; volunteered at the homeless shelter; became homeless for half a month in Berkeley, California, while busking on the street and auditing college courses; got married and had a child without epidural; traveled back home alone with my then one-year-old and saw my parents for the first time after being in the US for 6 years; visited Hong Kong, Japan, Egypt, Abu Dhabi, and Dubai during my trip home; then took a last-minute trip to Ecuador alone with one backpack for half a month. On the artistic & intellectual front, I wrote and recorded songs; wrote blogs; gain some followings on Quora; self-published a poetry book; took dedicated lessons in piano, drums, violin, acting, writing, improvisation, and ballet dance.

I rejoiced in the freedom to learn anything I wanted, at the same time my immigration status limited me to only "recreational" lessons as colleges had been expensive for me at the international rate. I took as many lessons as I could afford to satisfy my insatiable curiosity for life—a life I decided would be limited only by my imaginations—authentic to who I am. When I couldn't afford any more lessons, I read books. Reading has come to have the same significance to me as food, necessary to fuel a mind that grows hungry by the day. 

My positive college experiences reflect everything I've done to take education into my own hands. Despite my inherit disadvantages in cultural, social, and financial capital, the fact that college is just an extension of my almost a decade of self-education, is what justifies my performance. Of course, I'd also like to acknowledge the people I met along my academic journey—the supportive classmates and counselors, professors who go above and beyond to give me constructive feedback—thank you for witnessing this significant and magical moment for me and for making my education experience in the US especially enriching and meaningful.


Spring 2020

Typography is the art and technique

Course List

ENGL 105 - Intensive Reading & Composition

MATH 200 - Probability and Statistics

PSYC 100 - General Psychology

COMM 160 - Gender and Communication 

ARBC 111 - Elementary Arabic


Total Credits: 20
















 Instructor's Comment

Yiya is a top-notch student. She is an incredibly strong, creative, and resourceful person—a lifelong learner in every sense of the word. Regardless of what major or field she eventually lands on, I see her being a powerful force within her field as she is insatiably curious and looks at education, not as a thing to be mastered, but a lifestyle to be fully and experientially immersed in.  — Prof. Lachmayr

You are a model student. You were always prepared, involved yourself in class discussions/activities, and most importantly, were really interested and invested in the learning process. My perception is that your educational pursuits are something you truly enjoy as opposed to a hoop to jump through to get a job.  — Prof. Merrill

Your essays were certainly university-caliber material. I have no doubt that you'll succeed in a faster-paced academic context such as the one that you'll find at Stanford. You have a brilliant mind and your ideas should be shared more often with your peers.  — Prof. Lescure

Typography is the art and technique



Sample Works

Summer 2020  (Online due to COVID-19)

Course List


Instructor's Comment

HIST 245 - Race, Ethnicity and Immigration

PSYC 200 - Developmental Psychology

ACTG 121 - Financial Accounting


Total Credits: 10





I was particularly impressed with your depth of engagement and deep thinking, as well as your open-minded approach to learning new things, and your ability to articulate your thoughts in writing. In addition, I believe that your life experiences (and related soft skills) give you a unique perspective and ability to empathize and collaborate with a diverse group of students. I hope that you will consider taking on a peer leadership role, such as becoming a peer mentor or tutor.  Prof. Field



Sample Works

Fall 2020  (online)

Course List

ASTR 100 - Introduction to Astronomy

BIOL 110 - Principles of Biology (with Lab)

PSYC 300 - Social Psychology

ENGL 110 - Composition, Literature, and Critical Thinking - Honors

MUS 202 - Music Appreciation 

Total Credits: 16








Instructor's Comment

You are an absolute delight, Yiya. Your intelligence glows from the page. I can see your intelligence from space.... I'm so glad you are part of our ENGL110 okana. I'm looking forward to seeing you thrive through the semester. —Prof. Feiner

Typography is the art and technique

Spring 2021 (online)

Typography is the art and technique

Course List

BIOL 215 - Organismal Biology (with Lab) - Honors

MATH 225 - Path to Calculus 

ECON 100 - Principles of Macro Economics


Total Credits: 14

Typography is the art and technique



Typography is the art and technique

Sample Work
