I don’t want to live another day another dollar. I don’t want to be another face in the crowd.

I want to stand out. I want to be different. I want to fight for what’s right. I want to make a difference. I want to leave a mark. I want to be forever remembered even when I’m long gone.

I really came to believe now that people everywhere are the same. It might be different, the language we speak, the culture we share, the way we behave. But at the core, we’re all the same. We all share the same human characteristics, same basic needs, same feelings and emotions.

That means, wherever I go, I’m dealing with flawed human beings. We are all flawed and imperfect, we get jealous, selfish and greedy. We don’t have to see it as a flaw, but that we are just being perfectly what we are. Human.

It’s why not everyone can be great people that leave marks in the history. Because it’s extremely difficult to fight our own flaws, to fight our nature. But those and only those who could, get their ways in life.

Life is not a battle nor an action game, that requires us to constantly fight to get to where we want.  I see it more like a journey, an incredible one-way journey. A journey where if you missed some stop, some people, or some view, it is missed forever.

It might sound scary, but the train of life is going right now. It has only one direction, forward. And its only destination is, death. When the train stops, and we reached our destination, it’s all over.

You only get to be on this train once.

Only once. So make sure to make time for all those things you don’t want to miss and take chances. Be nice to each other, to the people we meet on this journey as we’re all going to reach the same destination sooner or later, no matter what. Some sooner than others. Whatever we do, we have no power to stop the train. So it is up to you, to decide how you want to spend your time while you’re still on the train. Remember, It only goes once.

And it’s going right now.

