Made this for lunch, very easy to do. Takes about 30 minutes.
The ingredients are: Huanghuacai(daylily), crimini mushrooms, roasted chicken, seaweed, cilantro, ginger, green onion, salt, pepper, black vinegar, granola oil.


Golden Mushroom Chicken Soup, by Yiya. 2014

1. Bring water to boil in a sauce pot, then add cut green onion, ginger, and oil.

2. Add sliced chicken, mushrooms, and daylily. Simmer, set heat on medium. (Don’t let it boil too fiercely.)

3. Wait for 5-8 minutes, then add seaweed, cilantro, season the soup with salt, pepper, a little vinegar.(depending on your taste, add suitable amount.)

We’re pretty much done here, add a little saseme oil if you have some. Then serve.


*I bought the daylily and zicai(Chinese seaweed) and black vinegar at a Chinese grocery store, if you can’t find them at a regular American grocery store.

*I roasted chicken first hand, if you have raw chicken then either cook them or put them in the boiling water first.

*Sorry I couldn’t tell you the exact amount for every ingredient, I just put what I think is the right amount. It’s kind of a Chinese thing. We never measure anything when we cook, we use our gut feelings! Try yours. It might turn out flat gross, but your cooking skill grows, too.




I’ve never used recipes. My dad used to cook for me all the time, I gradually grew the sense of good food over time as an eater.

Now it’s time for me to experience and to explore. Nothing would ever taste nearly as good as home-made food, but what do I do if I miss the food at home too darn much? Learn to cook them myself!

Many of my cookings resembles my dad’s but never the same. Special thanks to dad. I miss you, you are a great cook indeed!

